Networking is tough! No matter which way you look at it, going into a room of strangers can be overwhelming and therefore difficult to navigate. To help you out, we have created the below infographic that explains the very basic conversation starters both in person and online. These aren’t like some of the things we found whilst researching, they’re not awkward opening lines that no one really wants to say in real life. Our selection of opening questions are common enough not to appear strange but intriguing enough not to blend in with everyone else. Our online conversation tips will guide you in the direction of what to say and when in the conversation to say it. We’ve also added a small list of what not to discuss with people you’ve just met!
Hopefully these can help you kick off a great conversation and add someone to your network.
You don't need a million questions to ask, you just need one or two and naturally the conversation will continue to flow. What are some of your favourite networking conversation starters?
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Peoplebank acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country. We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and to elders past and present, whose land we stand upon today.
We welcome all cultures, all religions, all colours, all beliefs, all ages, all sizes, all types, all people.
Peoplebank acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country. We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and to elders past and present, whose land we stand upon today.
We welcome all cultures, all religions, all colours, all beliefs, all ages, all sizes, all types, all people.